Symptoms of dyspraxia Cont’d...
Speech and language -
May talk continuously and repeat themselves (butt into conversations without realising). Some people with dyspraxia have difficulty with organising the content and sequence of their language.
Worry about missing the point…drifting into thought and then re-joining conversation and putting in a statement completely out of context.
May have unclear speech and be unable to pronounce some words.
Speech may have uncontrolled pitch, raised volume and rate and also stutter when under pressure.
It’s not unknown for slurred speech similar to someone intoxicated… especially when asked to read publicly.
Eye movements -
Visual tracking - Difficulty in following a moving object smoothly with eyes without moving head excessively. Tendency to lose the place while reading… reading rulers are again very useful and aid tracking.
Poor relocating -Cannot look quickly and effectively from one object to another. This creates problems in class trying to take information off a board (for example drawing a picture). Writing is also slow as most children retain one word and then have to look up for the next (reading slopes are very good for resolving this,or hand-outs given to the student).
Perception and perspective -
May have over sensitivity to noise.
Some have poor visual perception (visual stress).
Often will be over-sensitive to variations in light (sudden changes due to cloud…disco lights) etc..
Difficulty in distinguishing sounds from background noise… hard to listen to someone talking whilst other noise is going on... disruptive, noisy classrooms are a real problem. VHF is very good for this.
Can be tactile or negative to others (spacial). Can result in dislike of being touched and/or aversion to over-loose or tight clothing. Tactile defensiveness - can get very close to people when walking, talking etc. (you can also catch articles that you may have missed at our blog site www.dyslexiadublin.blogspo
Lack of awareness of body position in space and spatial relationships. Can result in bumping into and tripping over things and people, dropping and spilling things.
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As previously mentioned, not all of the above will apply to all people affected by dyspraxia…but most likely quite a few will be present in most who have the condition.
You can friend us on facebook at dyslexia dublin or follow us on twitter at dyslexiadublin
Toby Dyslexia Dublin CETC 2013 © would like to point out that this information is based on both personal and others research)
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