Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Symptoms - Dyspraxia...Top Tip Friday from Dyslexia Dublin CETC (information used herein is from own and others research) © 2013 (part one of three)

People with dyspraxia usually have a combination (these vary from person to person) of problems, including:

Gross (large movements) and fine (small movements) motor co-ordination skills.

Poor balance - difficulty in riding a bicycle, going up and down hills (horse riding though is very good).

Poor posture and fatigue - difficulty in standing for a long time as a result of weak muscle tone. Floppy, unstable round the joints... some people with dyspraxia may have flat feet (orthotics can help).

Poor integration of the two sides of the body - difficulty with some sports involving jumping and cycling. Also hygiene (toileting, showering)... standing on one foot to dry the other?.

Poor hand-eye co-ordination - difficulty with team sports, especially those which involve catching. Also, difficulties with driving a car… left and rights… roundabouts?

Lack of rhythm when dancing, doing aerobics (yoga is good).
Clumsy gait and movement - difficulty changing direction, stopping and starting actions. In the early years they would tend to come downstairs on their bottoms until comfortable with one foot before the other. Crawl related movement lacking in later years also, ie. climbing ladders.

Exaggerated 'accessory movements' such as flapping arms when running and often head down.
Tendency to fall, trip, bump into things and people (in people’s personal space – lack of spatial awareness).
Fine motor co-ordination skills (small movements), using palms as opposed to fingers.

Lack of manual dexterity - poor at two-handed tasks, causing problems with using cutlery, cleaning, cooking, ironing, craft work, playing musical instruments.

Poor manipulative skills - difficulty with typing, handwriting and drawing. May have a poor pen grip, press too hard when writing and have difficulty when writing along a line.

Inadequate grasp - difficulty using tools and domestic implements, locks and keys.

Difficulty with dressing and grooming activities, such as putting on make up, shaving, doing hair, fastening clothes and tying shoe laces.

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Poorly established hand/foot dominance - may use either hand for different tasks at different times and indeed lead/ kick etc. with different feet at differing times.

These are just some of the signs that could possibly spell out dyspraxia, although not all apply to every child.

Multi-sensory resources like steps help...with built in spacial awareness programmes...find out more at www,dyslexiadublin.ie

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and our web at www.dublin-cetc.com

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