Friday, 28 June 2013

Dyspraxia (DCD)...Dyslexia…Dysgraphia and the benefits of Multi-Sensory Intervention by  Dyslexia Dublin CETC © 2013

Who do we help? All learners benefit from this form of tuition.

Children and adults with dyspraxia/dyslexia/dysgraphia and dyscalculia can benefit hugely from a multi-sensory programme, conventional methods of teaching fail or fall short due to the different learning style required by those with DCD. Children can also present with language delay/apraxia of speech, often having problems making/saying sounds, syllables, and whole word recognition, often related to poor facial muscle tone.  It can also be down to praxia/motor planning difficulty where the brain has problems transmitting signals to co-ordinate the movement of lips, upper and lower jaws, speechbox and tongue, all of which are required to speak... quite often children survive on lip reading and can also benefit from signing until their speech improves.

( would you like to learn more about the 3 Dy's why not pop over to our new page and read more on the 3 Dy's @ )

Progress in many co-ordination, processing and planning delays can be made by introducing a multi-sensory learning programme and early intervention is paramount. Delays only frustrate the students and bring about a reluctance to participate in the learning process.

Most of the children/adults we work with gain back one year in all literacy areas for every 40 hours of tuition.

Children with CAS (childhood apraxia of speech) may be a late talker and may only have a few consonant and vowel sounds. They may have problems combining sounds and will simplify words by replacing difficult sounds with easier ones. The sound errors can be inconsistent. Your child may also have difficulty imitating speech, but imitated speech is clearer than spontaneous speech.

How can we help?

Our programme has been devised and backed up with over 25 years working in this specialist area.  Our resources are designed to give maximum benefit to our students on all our tutored programme, they can also benefit those who are engaged in the teaching and supervision of childen, ie. parents, classroom teachers, reading specialists, and special educators.  We aim to use effective reading programs that guarantee a higher incidence of participation, reading success and achievement for children at all reading levels. We achieve this by matching the relevant teaching style with the child as a tailored programme, including matching global/visual reading styles.  We also teach children to read through tactile and kinesthetic resources methods.  (“Kinesthetic learners prefer experience and practice using multiple perceptual modes including sight, sound, and touch” (Fleming & Mills, 1992)).

Research shows the children with CAS have more success when they receive frequent (1-3 times per week) and intensive treatment. When this is not possible due to practical reasons, parents are advised to practice daily at home. The focus of intervention for CAS is on improving the planning, sequencing, and co-ordination of muscle movements for speech production, building facial muscles is very important. Your child will benefit from multi-sensory feedback, eg. tactile "touch" cued articulation uses  visual cues (ie. watching him/herself in the mirror) as well as verbal feedback, we recommend and stock lip synch (great resource).


Dyslexics also respond well to multi-sensory methods of learning which use a visual and stimulating approach to  learning, using a hands-on approach that brings together as many senses as possible.

Help your child combat dyslexia with multi-sensory learning at home by playing a lot of hands-on and physical games, fit drawing and model-making into homework and also saying out loud the words she reads and writes. Also, when your child begins to learn letters and words have them made into flash cards with visual images, to reinforce learning. We stock a great intervention  product and its available from stock, check it out here (paste ino your browser)

or visit

Dysgraphics: they can benefit hugely by using word banks to write stories with clip art or paint, such as ‘Create a story’.

Dyscalculics: can and do benefit in the same way, by making shapes, pyramids squares and by using colourful bar and pie charts during mathematics.  Try to make numbers exciting by relating them to things such as the variation of ages at a concert/football match… don’t be static and use a variety of teaching styles to engage learners.

Overview: We can see quite clearly from the above that we need a variety of learning styles as learners do not present with a ‘one size fits all’ method of consuming information.  Take a look at your class and you will find on the days a variety of resources are used, even the student you think of as lazy and lethargic will be involved, why?... because he is stimulated… go on try it, you will enjoy teaching this way and the class will enjoy it too!
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Toby Lee Dyslexia Dublin CETC © 2013

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