Monday, 18 March 2013

Dyslexia/Dysgraphia and Improving Comprehension - The Why’s and how to spot some of the Signs and improve your fluency by  Dyslexia Dublin CETC © 2013

We all like to listen to a good debate or story…fluent reading is very expressive and can captivate the listener even if they have little knowledge of the subject being read or discussed, some of the great narrators are gifted with their use of accurate, and appropriately paced delivery. Few can read to this high level of fluency. The author has written the book so as to be read in such a way that it takes in all who lifts the cover and continue to do so till the last page, firstly you have to enjoy what you read and also be able to retain much of the information gleened from reading. Reading should be fluid, silk like and expressive, sounds like talk, approaches the speed of normal conversation, and preserves the author’s original thoughts in their narrative. Fluency of reading is not a knee jerk start to gaining good sound comprehension, but it goes a long way in suggesting that children/adults understand what they have been listening too or indeed have read. Fluency and speed reading are an art that like any other has to be learnt. Speed reading becomes a further extension of this and allows those with some knowledge of a given subject to cover more ground whilst still retaining the content of a speech or the written word.
People who suffer with dyslexia and dysgraphia often feel left out or poor relations in this area of literacy…fluency can be improved like anything in life…it just has to be worked at...short term memory is a powerful tool when it comes to reading accuracy and speed, there are many resources available to help improve memory.

Generally speaking, high-fluency readers comprehend better, read faster, and read with greater accuracy than low-fluency readers (National Centre for Education Statistics, 1995). High-fluency readers differ markedly from their low-fluency classmates, and these differences are readily noticeable by the fourth grade. In a nationwide study of reading fluency, the National Centre for Education Statistics (NCES) found that high-fluency fourth graders read with expression and grouped words into meaningful phrases, whereas low-fluency fourth graders ignore sentence structure and read in one- or two-word phrases (1995).
How can you improve:
*Read books around your reading age
*Read books where you have a genuine interest
*Read books that captivate your imagination
*Read short stories to start with
*Make notes as you read through
*Make reflective notes after reading
*Get others to listen to you reading (this will build confidence)
*Tell others about the book and its content (this will gauge how much you have taken in).
We cannot under estimate the knock on effects from having good comprehension not just for reading and speaking but for building a firm base for improving academic ability in all subject areas.
There are many resources available to help improve comprehension and fluency in reading…We stock the Barrington Stoke dyslexia friendly range of books…these books have been taken by some of the great authors and reduced in complexity to allow those with a low reading age to read books with a greater interest and age range.
These books and a whole range of resources are available from our web site at

Why not try our 2create a story software and bring your own book to life?

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