Thursday, 5 September 2013

Launched on May 30th,  Dyslexic Brains Learn Differently is a new Irish-produced book about dyslexia for children. It is written by children for children, and has been created by the students of our specialist Reading Class (for pupils with severe dyslexia). 
This is a 40-page book where each child tells their own unique story from discovering that they have dyslexia to learning how to cope with it. It illustrates their many talents and abilities. The Foreword is by NEPS psychologist Richard Egan and there are information pages for parents and families, including recommended websites and apps. A unique feature of the book is that readers can scan a QR code on the cover to hear an audio-recording of the stories.
This new book is designed to give hope to children with dyslexia, their parents and teachers. It clearly illustrates that these children can thrive with the correct interventions and an environment which recognises that their brains learn differently.  
The book is available for purchase online @ 

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